Keep Freud alive!

Your donation helps to keep Freuds legacy alive. Donate here for the urgently needed renovation of the Sigmund Freud Museum. By the way: with the help of our Sigmund Freud face filter on Instagram you can transform yourself into Sigmund Freud and share the video with your friends.

Keep Freud alive!

Your donation helps to keep Freuds legacy alive. Donate here for the urgently needed renovation of the Sigmund Freud Museum. By the way: with the help of our Sigmund Freud face filter on Instagram you can transform yourself into Sigmund Freud and share the video with your friends.

Become Freud!

Want to keep Freud alive on Instagram as well? Easy as that: Just take a video with our Sigmund Freud face filter and share it with your friends.


The Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna is a place of particular importance – to Austria as well as to the rest of the world.

The museum is located where Freud once lived and explored the psyche of mankind – at Berggasse 19 in Vienna. Today, this is where Freud's legacy is preserved, researched and presented in the service of society. With Europe's largest "Library of Psychoanalysis", it serves as an international forum for scientific communication and as a memorial to the victims of National Socialism, with the aim of preventing history from repeating itself. Opened in 1971, the museum now desperately needs a redo. The Republic of Austria, the City of Vienna and private donors already subsidize the much-needed renovation and construction project quite generously. However, in order to finish all planned renovation work by 2020, the museum still needs € 500.000 of additional funding. So we need your support! Help us keep Freud’s cultural legacy in Vienna alive and preserve this irreplaceable cultural monument for the future: simply spread the news by taking a “silfie“! And support the project by donating via PayPal, credit card or online bank transfer.

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